

Maven Dependencies

You can include individual modules as needed or add all modules at once using the recordo-all artifact.

All Modules

To include all modules:

    <version><!-- Use the latest version --></version>

Individual Modules

Alternatively, you can include any of the following modules separately:

<!-- Read Module -->
    <version><!-- Use the latest version --></version>

<!-- Assertions Module -->
    <version><!-- Use the latest version --></version>

<!-- MockMvc Module -->
    <version><!-- Use the latest version --></version>

<!-- MockServer Module -->
    <version><!-- Use the latest version --></version>

You can find the latest version on Maven Repository.


  • Versions 1.x.x: Compatible with Java 11+ and Spring 5.x (Spring Boot 2.x).

  • Versions 2.x.x: Compatible with Java 17+ and Spring 6.x (Spring Boot 3.x).

Important Note: Three of the four modules (recordo-read, recordo-assertions, and recordo-mockserver) can be used in projects that do not utilize the Spring Framework. Only recordo-spring-mockmvc requires Spring.

Initialize Extension

To set up Recordo for your test, simply use the RecordoExtension.

class BookServiceTest {


Recordo uses the Jackson ObjectMapper for JSON operations. The logic for locating the ObjectMapper instance is as follows:

  1. As the highest priority, the ObjectMapper field annotated with the @EnableRecordo annotation will be used, if present.

  2. If Spring is being used and the test doesn't have a field, the library will use the ObjectMapper bean from the Spring context if available.

  3. In all cases other than the specific ones where a custom ObjectMapper instance is provided, the library will utilize its default Recordo ObjectMapper instance.

Last updated